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Online: Base Metal into Gold: Jung & the Great Work of Alchemy


Please note: this course is given online at Embassy of the Free Mind as part of their course curriculum.

The mysteries of Alchemy have drawn many to the secrets hidden within its ancient images and texts. To this day there remains an aura of mystery around these extraordinary teachings which originated in Egypt.

One of the profound thinkers in recent history was the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung who made alchemy accessible to the man and woman of our time. He discovered in the alchemical tradition the phases of transformation that the deep psyche undergoes as it moves through the process of awakening that he called “individuation”. After his own deep initiatory encounter with the collective unconscious, beginning in 1913, he discovered that the imagery and texts of the alchemists were very similar to the material surfacing in his own dreams and active imaginations as well as in those of his patients. This gave him the foundation for his own work in making the mysteries of the psyche accessible to his contemporaries and to us.

In this Course we will explore the tradition of Alchemy from a depth-psychological perspective, being led by the work of Anne Baring who has written and reflected expansively on this subject. We will examine the alchemical stages of Nigredo, Albedo, and Rubedo in both microcosm as well as macrocosm. What do these stages mean for us individually and how can we view our current collective crisis through this lens? What stage of alchemy are we in collectively and how can this lens help us in this time of the pandemic?

PARTICIPATION: via Zoom. After purchasing a ticket for the course you will receive an email with instructions. Every week you will also receive a digital hand-out accompanying the class. Come join this online group with likeminded people!

DATES: 14 - 21 - 28 JUNE 2020 (no individual classes possible)
TIME: 17.00 - 18.30h CEST
COSTS: € 99 / $110


This is a 3 part introductory course that will be followed up later this year with an in-depth exploration of the same themes. You will have to have participated in this one, to be able to enroll for the follow-up course.

Faranak Mirjalili is a Jungian Analyst trained and based in The Netherlands. Her current work and research revolve around connecting individual psychology to collective mythologies and how active participation in myth can help both the individual and collective psyche transform during the Analytical process.

She’s the founder of the Anima Mundi School where she works with a small collective of women worldwide from various fields that bring together psychology, the mythic imagination, and the creative arts.

Tickets available through Embassy of the Free Mind